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Where Does Beef Stew Come From

This archetype French beef stew is the ultimate cold weather comfort nutrient. After a few hours in the oven, the meat becomes meltingly tender and enveloped in a rich wine sauce.

This classic French beefiness stew, otherwise known as Beef Bourguignon, is the ultimate cold weather comfort food.Chunks of well-marbled beef are seared in a hot pan, and and so gently braised with garlic and onions in a rich vino-based broth. After a few hours in the oven, the meat becomes meltingly tender and enveloped in a deeply-flavored sauce. The stew takes a few hours to brand but the recipe is mostly hands-off. Get ahead and brand it a mean solar day or two alee of time; the flavor improves the longer it sits.

what you'll need to make beefiness stew with carrots & potatoes

how to make beef stew

The most important affair is to start with the right cut of meat. Y'all want to buy chuck roast (affiliate link) that is well-marbled—that ways it should have a good amount of white veins of fat running through it. Stay away from meat generically packaged as "stew meat," especially if it looks lean (I can guarantee yous it volition non get tender, no matter how long you cook information technology).

For the wine, use any dry scarlet (Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.) that is inexpensive but still adept enough to drink.

How To Make Beefiness Stew with Carrots & Potatoes

Begin by removing any large chunks of fat that are easy to become to (similar the 1 my pocketknife is pointing to below), but don't overdo information technology with the trimming, every bit the fat helps make the beef tender.

how to make beef stew

Next, flavour the meat generously with salt and pepper.

how to make beef stew

Heat a bit of oil in a Dutch oven (affiliate link) or large pot and brown the meat in batches.

how to make beef stew

This step is a bit time-consuming simply browning the meat adds depth and dimension to the stew. (Note: it's important not to crowd the pan — if yous effort to chocolate-brown all the meat at once, information technology will steam instead of sear and you won't get all that lovely colour and flavor.)

This step is a bit time-consuming  but browning the meat adds depth and dimension to the stew.

Remove the meat and add the onions, garlic, and balsamic vinegar to the pan. The vinegar volition loosen all the brown $.25 from the bottom of the pan and add flavor.

how to make beef stew

Cook until the vegetables are softened, then add the tomato paste and melt for a minute more than.

how to make beef stew

Add the beefiness back into the pan and sprinkle with the flour.

how to make beef stew

Stir until the flour is dissolved.

how to make beef stew

Add the vino, broth, h2o, thyme, bay leaves, and carbohydrate.

how to make beef stew

Bring to a boil, so cover and braise in the oven for 2 hours.

how to make beef stew

Afterwards 2 hours, add together the carrots and potatoes.

how to make beef stew

Return to the oven and continue cooking for 1 hr, or until the meat is fork-tender, the broth is thickened, and the carrots and potatoes are tender.

how to make beef stew

Feel free to arrange the recipe to your liking. You tin leave out the potatoes and serve it over buttered egg noodles, or toss in some frozen peas or sautéed mushrooms at the very end. Either way, it'southward soul-satisfying comfort food for a cold night.

beef stew

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Beef Stew with Carrots & Potatoes

This classic French beef stew is the ultimate common cold atmospheric condition comfort nutrient. Subsequently a few hours in the oven, the meat becomes meltingly tender and enveloped in a rich wine sauce.


  • 3 pounds boneless beef chuck (well-marbled), cutting into 1½-inch pieces
  • two teaspoons common salt
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground blackness pepper
  • iii tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 medium yellowish onions, cut into 1-inch chunks
  • seven cloves garlic, peeled and smashed
  • two tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1½ tablespoons tomato plant paste
  • ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • ii cups dry red wine
  • ii cups beef broth
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1½ teaspoons sugar
  • 4 large carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks on a diagonal
  • one pound small white boiling potatoes (infant yukons), cut in half
  • Fresh chopped parsley, for serving (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 325°F and ready a rack in the lower heart position.
  2. Pat the beef dry and season with the salt and pepper. In a large Dutch oven or heavy soup pot, rut 1 tablespoon of the olive oil over medium-high rut until hot and shimmering. Brown the meat in 3 batches, turning with tongs, for nigh 5 minutes per batch; add one tablespoon more than oil for each batch. (To sear the meat properly, practise not crowd the pan and let the meat develop a nice brown chaff before turning with tongs.) Transfer the meat to a large plate and prepare aside.
  3. Add the onions, garlic and balsamic vinegar; melt, stirring with a wooden spoon and scraping the brown bits from bottom of the pan, for virtually 5 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook for a infinitesimal more. Add the beefiness with its juices back to the pan and sprinkle with the flour. Stir with wooden spoon until the flour is dissolved, ane to ii minutes. Add the wine, beef broth, water, bay leafage, thyme, and carbohydrate. Stir with a wooden spoon to loosen whatever brown bits from the bottom of the pan and bring to a boil. Cover the pot with a lid, transfer to the preheated oven, and braise for 2 hours.
  4. Remove the pot from the oven and add together the carrots and potatoes. Cover and place back in oven for about an hour more, or until the vegetables are cooked, the goop is thickened, and the meat is tender. Fish out the bay leaf and discard, and so sense of taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary. Serve the stew warm -- or let it come to room temperature and then store in the fridge overnight or until ready to serve. This stew improves in flavor if made at least 1 twenty-four hour period ahead. Reheat, covered, over medium heat or in a 350°F oven. Garnish with fresh parsley, if desired.
  5. Note: If you lot don't have a Dutch oven or covered pot that is appropriate for the oven, the stew can exist cooked on the stove. The timing will be the same and it should be cooked over the everyman setting.
  6. Freezer-Friendly Instructions: The stew can be frozen for upward to iii months. Before serving, defrost the stew in the refrigerator for 24 hours and then reheat on the stovetop over medium-depression heat until hot.

Pair with

Diet Information

Powered by Edamam

  • Per serving (6 servings)
  • Calories: 539
  • Fat: 18g
  • Saturated fat: 6g
  • Carbohydrates: 32g
  • Sugar: 8g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 54g
  • Sodium: 1189mg
  • Cholesterol: 143mg

This website is written and produced for informational purposes only. I am not a certified nutritionist and the nutritional information on this site has non been evaluated or canonical by a nutritionist or the Food and Drug Administration. Nutritional data is offered as a courtesy and should not be construed equally a guarantee. The data is calculated through an online nutritional figurer, Although I exercise my best to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures should exist considered estimates simply. Varying factors such as product types or brands purchased, natural fluctuations in fresh produce, and the way ingredients are processed change the effective nutritional data in whatever given recipe. Furthermore, unlike online calculators provide different results depending on their own diet fact sources and algorithms. To obtain the most accurate nutritional data in a given recipe, yous should calculate the nutritional data with the bodily ingredients used in your recipe, using your preferred nutrition calculator.

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  • Nigh Popular
  • American
  • French
  • All Seasons
  • Carrots
  • Christmas
  • Chuck Roast
  • Comfort Food
  • Cookbook 2 Recipe
  • Potatoes
  • Blood-red Wine
  • Stew
  • Tomatoes



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